A Letter from Karl Baldauf, Vice President, Policy & Government Relations

Network News Greater KW Chamber of Commerce Kitchener Waterloo

On behalf of all of us here at the OCC, we hope that you and your team have been able to enjoy some down time this summer. The month of July has enabled our policy and advocacy team to continue key research around several policy files, while also preparing for important reports in the coming months.

On June 20th, Canada’s finance ministers’ made the decision to go forward with the Canadian Pension Plan (CPP) enhancement. With this announcement, the provincial government will not be moving ahead with the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan (ORPP). Over the past two years, the OCC led the business community in addressing concerns over the financial implications of the ORPP. This recent announcement to move away from the ORPP in favour of national pension reform is a welcomed culmination of our efforts.

This summer we are preparing reports on tourism, agri-food and will be releasing our third Health Transformation report in August. More details on all of those reports can be found below.

Finally, due to very positive feedback on the content of the policy update presentation at our AGM, you will find communications materials in this Network News that summarizes several of the recent advocacy wins achieved in Ontario through our Chamber Network. I would encourage you to repurpose and distribute these documents, as well as provide feedback on how we can continue to support your communications of these important policy achievements.

As always, if you have feedback, or are looking for further insight into our work, please feel free to be in touch.


Karl Baldauf
Vice President, Policy & Government Relations | karlbaldauf@occ.ca | occ.ca