Canadian Chamber of Commerce Priorities Focus on R&D, Labour Market, Infrastructure, and More

Ian Headshot Oct 2012Ian McLean
President + CEO
Greater Kitchener Waterloo Chamber of Commerce

In lead up to the next federal budget the Canadian Chamber of Commerce has compiled a list of 9 key recommendations that they have put forward to the government to address. The goals of the priorities listed is to support prosperity, competitiveness, and innovation within the Canadian business community.

Below is the list of 9 recommendations being made by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. For the full report of priorities be sure to download it here.

Research & Development and Innovation

1.    Create an “innovation box” regime that would reduce the normal corporate tax rate for income derived from patented inventions developed in Canada.

Jobs Growth

2.    Improve the mobility and employment of skilled trades workers across Canada by changing tax policy to address the relocation costs of skilled trades workers.
3.    Increase apprenticeship completions by creating a financial incentive for those employers who retain apprentices in their third or fourth year of training.
4.    Invest in labour market information to close the skills gap.
5.    Assess the impact of recent changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
6.    Establish a Development Finance Institution (DFI) to promote private sector trade and investment in developing countries


7.    Develop a long-term, transparent and predictable infrastructure strategy.

Taxation and Regulation

8.    Conduct a comprehensive review to create a streamlined, broad-based tax system with lower rates and fewer tax credits for individuals and corporations.
9.    Push for a comprehensive internal trade agreement that is even more ambitious than our major trade agreements

If you have any questions or concerns about the priorities being submitted please email me to discuss.