Advocate Advertising Info

The Chamber’s Advocate is a bi-monthly publication that includes a series of articles fromlocal sources and authors with national profile. Approximately 2,500 high quality printed
copies are distributed to business professionals throughout Waterloo Region per issue

(5 issues per year - Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/Jun, Sept/Oct, and Nov/Dec). In addition to the
printed publications, an additional 1,800+ views of the digital versions occur each year. 

The Advocate is a great tool to showcase your business to thousands of professionals
across various industries, as they read it for key information and updates regarding our
local community.

Thinking about advertising in all 5 issues? Ask us how you can save with a full-year

Advertising Opportunities

“The increased visibility that comes with Chamber membership has also played a key role in positioning my brand as a trusted financial services provider within the community.”  April Parlee   Certified Cash Flow Specialist

Contact Your Rep:

Bonnie Frank

Lisa McDonald

Heather Hutchings

or Sales Manager