Municipal Candidate Survey Results for Kitchener, Waterloo, and Woolwich Township

IMcLean_2014Ian McLean
President & CEO
Greater KW Chamber of Commerce

Over the past month the Chamber has hosted Candidate Forums for the Kitchener, Waterloo, and Woolwich Township mayoral elections as well as Candidate Forums for the candidates running for Regional Chair and Regional Council for Kitchener and Waterloo.

In the lead up to the municipal election Monday, October 27th the Chamber sent out a survey to every candidate running for a councillor position in the 20 Wards of Kitchener, Waterloo, and Woolwich Township. After consultations with our members through formal inquiries and through our advocacy committees we settled on the following questions covering seven topics important to the regional business community.

Each question had only a yes or no option in which to answer, but the candidate was given space to expand and clarify their stance on the various questions. We encourage you to visit the survey results on our website. If you have any questions regarding the survey please do not hesitate to email me any time.

And don’t forget to get out and vote on Monday! Details on your candidates can be found at